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Monday, August 30, 2010

Update on Mark

Well, we had a Dr app today at the University of Md with Mark's hepatology DR. It looks like the Interfergen may have been denied due to confusion as to whether it would be used as a monotherapy or in combination with the Ribavirin. His nurse said she would clarify that with the insurance company,and she is hopeful that once that is done, they may approve the new therapy. That's good news! Not so good news were his lab results. Just in the pass 4 weeks, his viral load has increased by a million and a half. This puts his viral load about 2 million. This leads one to believe that the pegasys and ribavirin treatment he is on isn't doing much of anything. His platelets and white blood cell count are low, that is to be expected though on these meds. She reiterated that he cannot be around anyone with an infection. His blood pressure is still high, even though he is on blood pressure medication. Also he is borderline diabetic, so he needs to eat a diabetic diet for a while to see if this helps. Oh, and he needs to lose weight!

We were able to get two weeks of samples of his old medicine to hold us over until the new medication comes to us. I hope it does actually come to us!

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