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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Elemental Science Today

Today we learned about the three main types of Sedimentary rocks. We read a two page spread in our Kingfisher Rocks and Fossils book, followed by a short narration. I had gotten this rock collection at a homeschool sale years ago and it really comes in handy. Similair kits are easy to find around the web, like at rainbow resource, my absolute fave place to shop all things home ed. There are a few types of sedimentary rock in the kit, like limestone, sandstone and gypsum. It was great for the kids to be able to see them in real life, not just a photo in a book. We did a short experiment to test seashells for limestone by adding them to a cup of vinegar. When limestone comes in contact with an acid, like vinegar, bubbles form. Carbon dioxide is created. The kids thought this was really cool. We tested our limestone rock from our kit, and it bubbled like crazy. Other rocks didn't. They wrote the experiment up in their student books. Finally, they took their test for this week's work since we only do science 2x's a week and this was our 2nd day this week.

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