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Sunday, July 5, 2009

Bad Mommy Moment

I am a horrible mother. Molly broke her arm last night. 4th of July, we are all getting ready to go see fireworks at the Farm Museum. I knew Molly was riding her scooter, I also knew how she was riding it. She has been doing this trick for about a week now where she rides 2 razor scooters at once. She has one foot on each scooter and straddles them. I know, its really a dumb trick, dangerous too. Why did I allow her? Was it because I didn't foresee the danger? Didn't really think about it? Negligence? Or was it because I knew she would have a fit and scream at me that I was overprotective and don't allow her to have any fun? Probably a combination of reasons. Well, she was coming down our hill and she crashed of course. She broke her arm right below her wrist. We spent the evening in the emergency room, where they wrapped her arm and referred us to an orthopedic dr. to set it.
I feel about this big right now.
So today I'm buying everyone armour and having them drink copious amount of milk :)

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