"He who loveth a book will never want a faithful friend, a wholesome counselor, a cheerful companion, or an effectual comforter" Isaac Barrow


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Spring Planting

Got most of the garden in today. Tomatoes, cukes, zucchini, peppers, sugar snap peas, beans. Still need to do all the melons and the pumpkins. it felt so good to get out there in the garden and turn over the earth. Planting is so full of hope. Hope and belief.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

January Will be Good

I'm ready for January. A new month, a new beginning. I have lots of good things planned and coming up that I am really looking forward to. Unlike December. I don't like December at all. Too many obligations financially and socially. However January is mine, well to a point. Anyway, new things I am looking forward to: weekly bowling with sophia and Ben, beginning a monthly rollerskating session, molly's 15th birthday party, and the starting of our new Little House Book Club. Molly's rehearsal for Beauty and The Beast will begin, she'll continue with paino lessons, and she wants to start swimming at the Y again. I don't know how much she will continue with our new church's youth group. Sunday they are doing yoga, so she'll probably want to do that. She still llikes attending her old youth group, so she will probsably do that most Sundays. I'm challenging myself by knitting sophia gloves using the magic loop method. I want to take a knitting class, but not sure we'll have the funds. I also want to start reading all of Jane Austens major works. Oooh, I almost forgot, we joined Port Discovery for the year! Woohoo! Love the new year so far!